Social Media Stuff Here

Gimmewald, Switzerland

The most beautiful and majestic place we've ever been.

Paris, France

By far Adri's most favorite city and monument.

Istanbul, Turkey

The most culture shock worthy and wonderfully diverse city we know.

Cairo, Egypt

Our craziest, most intense story to date.

30 January 2011

Old Xmas and a new PR

New posts take too long to come about, and I am sorry. This is a bit of a conglomerate of posts as I didn't post after our Christmas, and I also wanted to post about Adri's recent achievement.

First and foremost, a VERY belated Merry Christmas. I hope everyone had as great a time as we did. We were at Adri's parents, and enjoyed spending time with her and her siblings. It was a great way to spend our first Christmas. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of any of the festivities, sorry.
We also spent some time at Temple Square in Salt Lake City enjoying the lights and scenes there... but not so much the crowds. Oh well, it's typical there at Christmas time.

Lastly, I have to give Adri props for a wonderful achievement of hers yesterday. As some of you may or may not know, Adri runs marathons. As part of her training for the upcoming one here in Salt Lake in April, she runs a number of other races. She signed up for the winter running series, which is a series of 3 races. It starts with a 5k, then a 10k, then a 15k. Yesterday she ran the 5k and ran a personal best. She finished the race in 27 minutes and 10 seconds!! I am so very proud of her!!
Hard to see in this picture, but she was running so hard that she practically started running our of her pants. If you look closely you will notice that they look as though they are riding a little low and bunching around the knees. We may need to go back to the store and find some new ones. Also, she ran the race with 2 of her training buddies, Wendi and Rob.
Lastly, what am I doing during all of her training? Well, as exhibited here, finding things to stick on my face, wrap around my head, or whatever you want to call it. In fact Adri recently asked me, "what is it with you and sticking things on your face?" I don't know, but hey, it is what it is.